Next.js Firebase Full Course By



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Next.js Firebase Full Course

Build a full-stack app with React, Firebase, and Next.js

🦄 What will I build?

You will build a full-stack Social Blogging Platform inspired by sites like 🌈 and Medium. Authors can create content under a custom username, then publish publicly with SEO-friendly rendering, while readers can heart or like posts in realtime. Featuring…

  • 👨‍🎤 Custom Firebase usernames
  • 📰 Bot-friendly content (SEO)
  • 🦾 Advanced SSR, SSG, and ISR techniques
  • 🔥 Firestore realtime CRUD and data modeling
  • ⚛️ Reactive forms with react-hook-form
  • 📂 Image file uploads
  • 💞 Realtime hearts
  • 🚀 Security & Deployment
  • 1 README
  • 2 React Basics
  • 3 Firebase Basics
  • 4 Next.js Basics
  • 5 Technical Overview
  • 6 Next.js Setup
  • 7 TypeScript
  • 8 Firebase Setup
  • 9 Routing
  • 10 Loader
  • 11 Navbar
  • 12 Toast
  • 13 Auth Intro
  • 14 Google SignIn
  • 15 Auth Context
  • 16 Auth Hook
  • 17 Custom Usernames
  • 18 SSR & SEO in Next
  • 19 Data Model
  • 20 SSR User Profile Page
  • 21 SSR + Paginated Home Page Feed
  • 22 ISR Incremental Static Regeneration
  • 23 Realtime Data Hydration
  • 24 Custom 404 Page
  • 25 Metatags for SEO
  • 26 Admin Pages
  • 27 Create Data with Firestore
  • 28 Post Editing Form
  • 29 Form Validation
  • 30 Image Uploads
  • 31 Hearts, Likes, Claps
  • 32 Backend Security
  • 33 Vercel Deployment

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