Data structure and algorithms for interviews



Data structure and algorithms for interviews


Covers around 20+ most popular coding interview problems ranging from a variety of topics   ( will have 200+ problems as 4 problems are being added every week)

  • Merge Intervals
    • Idea of Merge Intervals
    • Merge Intervals
    • Intervals Intersection (coming soon)
    • Conflicting Appointments (coming soon)
  • Two Pointers
    • Idea of Two pointers and types of two pointers solutions
    • Two Sum
    • Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
    • 3 Sum
    • Pair with Target Sum  (coming soon)
    • Squaring a Sorted Array  (coming soon)
    • Triplet Sum to Zero   (coming soon)
    • Triplet Sum Close to Target   (coming soon)
    • Triplets with Smaller Sum   (coming soon)
    • Subarrays with Product Less than a Target  (coming soon)
    • Dutch National Flag Problem  (coming soon)
  • Fast & Slow Pointers
    • Linked List Cycle using Floyd’s Cycle Detection Algorithm
    • Happy Numbers
    • Ugly number  (coming soon)
    • Middle of the LinkedList (coming soon)
    • LinkedList Cycle  (coming soon)
    • Start of LinkedList Cycle (coming soon)
  • Bitwise Manipulation
    • Single Numbers 
    • Flipping an Image
    • Single Number II ( coming soon)
    • Single Number III ( coming soon)
  • Greedy Technique
    • What are Greedy Algorithms ?
    • Bulbs
    • Highest Product
    • Disjoint Sets
    • Largest Permutation ( coming soon)
    • Meeting rooms ( coming soon)
    • Distribute Candy ( coming soon)
    • Seats ( coming soon)
    • Assign Mice to Holes ( coming soon)
    • Majority Element ( coming soon)
    • Gas Station ( coming soon)
  • Island Patterns
    • Intro to Matrix
    • Number of Islands Explanation
    • Number of Islands Code
    • Number of distinct Islands Explanation
    • Number of distinct island coding
    • Count sub islands   
    • Max Area of an island   (coming soon)
    • Island Perimeter  (coming soon)
    • Flood fill  (coming soon)
    • Wall and Fates   (coming soon)
    • Minesweeper   (coming soon)
    • Surrounded Regions   (coming soon)
    • Find all groups of a farm land   (coming soon)
  • Topological Sort
    • Introduction to Graph Problems 
    • Topological Sort
    • Kahn’s Algorithm
    • Implementing Topological Sort
    • Course Schedule
    • Alien Dictionary
    • Minimum Height Trees  (coming soon)
    • All Ancestors of a Node in a Directed Acyclic Graph  (coming soon)
    • Build a Matrix With Conditions  (coming soon)
    • Find All Possible Recipes from Given Supplies  (coming soon)

Upcoming Additions  (3-4 problems are added every week)

  • Sliding Window
    • Easy
      • Maximum Sum Subarray of Size K
      • Smallest Subarray With a Greater Sum
    • Medium
      • Longest Substring with maximum K Distinct Characters 
      • Fruits into Baskets
    • Hard
      • Longest Substring with Distinct Characters
      • Longest Substring with Same Letters after Replacement
      • Longest Subarray with Ones after Replacement
  • Arrays
    • Medium
      • Group Anagrams
    • Hard
      • Trapping Rain Water
  • Merge Intervals
    • Medium
      • Intervals Intersection
      • Conflicting Appointments
  • Linked List
    • Easy
      • Reverse a Linked List
    • Medium
      • Reverse a sub list
      • Reverse a k-element sub list
  • Two Heaps
    • Medium
      • Find the median of a number stream
    • Hard
      • Maximum Capital
      • Sliding Window Median 
  • Top k elements
    • Easy
      • Top ‘K’ Numbers
      • Kth Smallest Number
      • ‘K’ Closest Points to the Origin
      • Connect Ropes
    • Medium
      • Top ‘K’ Frequent Numbers
      • Frequency Sort
      • Kth Largest Number in a Stream
      • ‘K’ Closest Numbers
      • Maximum Distinct Elements
      • Sum of Elements
    • Hard
      • Rearrange String
  • K-way merge
  • Binary Search
  • Backtracking
  • 1D Dynamic programing
  • 2D Dynamic programing
  • Cyclic Sort
  • Topological Sort
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Depth First Search
  • Breadth First Search
  • Trie
  • Hash Maps
  • Math Tricks
  • Miscellaneous

Who this course is for:

  • Software Engineers who want to ace coding interviews in top tech firms


  • python
  • basic idea of Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Leetcode account

Last Updated 2/2023

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